
Want to stand out and stand apart from the crowd? An Internship is the way to get real-world, hands-on experience, network and make real-life connections.

Are you a student? We are dedicated to helping you by connecting you to some of the top advertising and design organizations in the industry.

Check back for a list of organizations and businesses looking for interns.

Are you a company? Complete the Internship Program for Employers (only) Application and email it to so we can connect you with young and diverse talent.

Got questions? Email us at

“Stand Out and Stand Apart from the Crowd”


Speaker’s Bureau: Share Your Knowledge

Looking for someone to speak to your class or organization about advertising, design, social media or anything advertising-industry related? Our Speaker’s Bureau list is being updated for 2023.

Check back to see a list of speakers in Fall 2023.

Want to sign-up as a speaker? Please complete the Speakers Bureau Application Form and email it to