Want to stand out and stand apart from the crowd? An Internship is the way to get real-world, hands-on experience, network and make real-life connections.
Are you a student? We are dedicated to helping you by connecting you to some of the top advertising and design organizations in the industry.
Check back for a list of organizations and businesses looking for interns.
Are you a company? Complete the Internship Program for Employers (only) Application and email it to scholarships@aafhawaii.com so we can connect you with young and diverse talent.
Got questions? Email us at scholarships@aafhawaii.com.
“Stand Out and Stand Apart from the Crowd”
Speaker’s Bureau: Share Your Knowledge
Looking for someone to speak to your class or organization about advertising, design, social media or anything advertising-industry related? Our Speaker’s Bureau list is being updated for 2023.
Check back to see a list of speakers in Fall 2023.
Want to sign-up as a speaker? Please complete the Speakers Bureau Application Form and email it to scholarships@aafhawaii.com.